Production Scientifique

Articles de revue (16)

Un tribunal des idées pour discuter de transition après la fermeture d’une centrale nucléaire

Valentine Erné-Heintz
Territoire en mouvement, revue de géographie et aménagement (2024)
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Cultural values, risk characteristics, and risk perceptions of controversial issues: How does cultural theory work?

Ianis Chassang, Odile Rohmer, Bruno Chauvin
Risk Analysis, online version of record before inclusion in an issue (2024)
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Multi-method geochronological approach to decipher post-1800 floodplain sedimentation in the Upper Rhine plain, France

Cassandra Euzen, François Chabaux, Gilles Rixhon, Frank Preusser, Frédérique Eyrolle, Valentin Chardon, Anja M. Zander, Dominique Badariotti, Laurent Schmitt
Quaternary Geochronology, volume 83, 101561 (2024)
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Life cycle assessment of an upcoming nuclear power plant decommissioning: the Fessenheim case study from public data

Mehdi Iguider, Paul Robineau, Michal Kozderka, Maria Boltoeva, Gaetana Quaranta
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, volume 29, pp. 1229-1245 (2024)
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Finding the perfect pairs: a matchmaking of plant markers and primers for multi-marker eDNA metabarcoding

Armando Espinosa Prieto, Laurent Hardion, Nicolas Debortoli, Jean-Nicolas Beisel
Molecular Ecology Resources, e13937 (2024)
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The social connectivity of subsurface flows: Towards a better integration of the vertical dimension in socio-hydrosystem studies

Anne-Lise Boyer, David Blanchon, Laurent Schmitt, Dominique Badariotti, Jean-Philippe Bedell, Jean-Nicolas Beisel, François Chabaux, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, Frédéric Huneau, Gwenaël Imfeld, Brian F. O'Neill, Vanina Pasqualini, Olivier Radakovitch, Cybill Staentzel, François-Michel Le Tourneau
WIREs Water, e1703 (2023)
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Towards freshwater plant diversity surveys with eDNA barcoding and metabarcoding

Armando Espinosa Prieto, Jean-Nicolas Beisel, Pieternel Verschuren, Laurent Hardion
Environmental DNA, volume 5, issue 4, pp. 648-670 (2023)
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Fessenheim, source de prospérité pour l’Alsace ?

William Groussard
Revue du Rhin Supérieur, volume 4, pp. 155-158 (2022)
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Cultural Orientation and Risk Perception: Development of a Scale Operating in a French Context

Bruno Chauvin, Ianis Chassang
Risk Analysis, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 2189-2213 (2022)
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Les relations entre espaces et normes : le cas de la protection de la qualité des eaux du Rhin supérieur (1950-1999)

Caline Ly Keng, Frédérique Berrod, Dominique Badariotti
Géocarrefour, 96/1 (2022)
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Key factors influencing metal concentrations in sediments along Western European Rivers: a long-term monitoring study (1945-2020)

André-Marie Dendievel, Cécile Grosbois, Sophie Ayrault, Olivier Evrard, Alexandra Coynel, Maxime Debret, Thomas Gardes, Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, François Chabaux, Thierry Winiarski, Marcel Van der Perk, Brice Mourier
Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), volume 805, 149778 (2022)
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An infraspecific dimension of bioindication? Comparison between genotypes and ecological distribution of Potamogeton coloratus

Laurent Hardion, Etienne Chanez, Cybill Staentzel, Isabelle Combroux, Jean-Nicolas Beisel, Armando Espinosa Prieto, H. Béral, M. Tremolières, Corinne Grac
Aquatic Botany, Elsevier, 171, pp.103373 (2021)
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Les circulations militantes antinucléaires dans l’Europe des années 1970

Valéry Bordois
Encyclopédie d’histoire numérique de l’Europe (EHNE), ISSN 2677-6588 (2021)
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Relational territoriality and the spatial embeddedness of nuclear energy: A comparison of two nuclear power plants in Germany and France

Teva Meyer
Energy Research & Social Science, volume 2021, 101823 (2021)
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Apports de la cartographie du droit à la géohistoire des pollutions industrielles des eaux du fleuve Rhin

Caline Ly Keng, Frédérique Berrod, Kenji Fujiki, Dominique Badariotti
Annales de géographie, volume 733-734, no. 3-4, pp. 250-273 (2020)
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Managing and sharing multidisciplinary information in human-environment observatories: feedbacks and recommendations from the French DRIIHM network

Fanny Arnaud, Emilie Lerigoleur, Arnaud Jean-Charles, Iwan Le Berre, Corinne Pardo, Jean-Claude Raynal, Fozzani Jérôme, Kristell Michel, Marie-Laure Trémélo, Dad Roux-Michollet
Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Sciences, 23 juillet 2020, Vol. 6 - Observatoires scientifiques Milieux/Sociétés, nouveaux enjeux (2020)
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Thèses de doctorat (4)

Effet des valeurs socioculturelles sur les jugements de risques – Mesures directes et indirectes

Ianis Chassang
Soutenue le 21 octobre, Strasbourg, France (2024)
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Reconstruction spatio-temporelle des dépôts métalliques le long d’un hydrosystème fluvial fortement anthropisé. Combinaison d’approches géochimiques, hydrogéomorphologiques et géochronologiques appliquée au Rhin supérieur.

Cassandra Euzen
Soutenue le 19 décembre, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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AquADN – L’ADN environnemental comme descripteur des plantes aquatiques et indicateur environnemental

Armando Espinosa Prieto
Soutenue le 16 novembre, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Régulation des rejets industriels et encadrement de la qualité des eaux du Rhin, dans un contexte réglementaire multi-échelles

Caline Ly Keng
Soutenue le 10 décembre, Strasbourg, France (2021)
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Rapports d'étude (1)

Feasibility Study: Innovation Region Fessenheim

EUCOR, URCforSR, Université de Strasbourg (OHM Fessenheim), Universität Freiburg, TriRhenaTech, KIT, Université de Haute-Alsace
Rapport remis aux États français et allemands (2022)
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Actes de conférence (2)

Designing robust DNA barcode libraries for metabarcoding of freshwater plants by integrating herbarium collections and contemporary floristic inventories

Armando Espinosa Prieto, Laurent Hardion, Jean-Nicolas Beisel
ARPHA Conference Abstracts, 4, e64713 (2021)
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Understanding of Tritium Behavior Toward Sediment in Aquatic System

M Ari Saputra, Mireille Del Nero, Gaetana Quaranta, Olivier Courson
First International Conference of Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET), November 23, Jakarta, Indonesia (2019)

Communications orales (34)

Radiological impacts of the Fessenheim NPP decommissioning via Life-Cycle Assessment framework

Paul Robineau, Maria Boltoeva, Nicolas Arbor and Gaetana Quaranta
3èmes Rencontres Rayonnement Radio-Chimie (R3C), June 18-20, Nîmes, France (2024)

Application of a smart renewable energy system for sustainable and resilient energy-climate planning of the Fessenheim territory (Haut-Rhin, France)

Thierry de Larochelambert, Nadège blond, Florian Labaude
Second international conference on “Action versus Inaction facing Climate Change” (AICC), an interdisciplinary approach, June 17-18, Strasbourg, France (2024)
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Rebound effects: the longer distance from social optima

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger
Second international conference on “Action versus Inaction facing Climate Change” (AICC), an interdisciplinary approach, June 17-18, Strasbourg, France (2024)

Rebound effects in the era of energy transition

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Anne Stenger, Phu Nguyen-Van
What Works Climate Solutions Summit, June 9-12, Berlin, Germany (2024)

Comparison & modelling of planning methodology for local energy transitions applied to Danish and French territories

Thierry de Larochelambert, Florian Labaude, Nadège Blond
COMET-PLANET seminar, December 14, Aalborg, Danemark (2023)

L’ADNe comme descripteur des plantes aquatiques et des zones humides : du ruisseau au fleuve

Armando Espinosa Prieto, Laurent Hardion, Jean-Nicolas Beisel
3ème meeting du réseau ADN-O, 29 nov. - 1er déc., Cestas, France (2023)

Impacts of public policy on the rebound effect of green heating services

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Anne Stenger, Phu Nguyen-Van
Climate economics chair annual conference “Policies toward carbon neutrality in times of crisis”, October 11-12, Paris Dauphine, France (2023)

Rebound effects: the longer distance from social optima

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger
Joint workshop between the Philipps University of Marburg, Université de Strasbourg and Toyo University, September 18-19, Marburg, Germany (2023)

Rebound effects: the longer distance from social optima

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger
The 12th Congress of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (AAERE), August 29-30, Tokyo, Japan (2023)
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Reconstructing a River Temporal Trajectory Through the Metal Composition of Historical Floodplain Deposition (Upper Rhine)

Cassandra Euzen, François Chabaux, Gilles Rixhon, Thierry Perrone, Frank Preusser, Frédérique Eyrolle, Dominique Badariotti, Laurent Schmitt
Goldschmidt, July 9-14, Lyon, France (2023)
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Transitions énergie-climat locales & trajectoires systémiques scénarisées – Application aux territoires autour de Fessenheim, Haut-Rhin

Thierry de Larochelambert, Nadège Blond, Florian Labaude
Séminaire de Recherche UHA "Durabilité : transitions, risques, territoires", 6 juillet, Mulhouse, France (2023)

Impacts of public policy on the rebound effect of green heating services

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger
The 28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), June 27-30, Limassol, Cyprus (2023)

L’écosystème de Fessenheim : impact et éléments de prospective territoriale suite à la décision de fermeture de la centrale nucléaire

Patrick Rondé, Kenji Fujiki, Olivier Finance, Hervé Ott
59ème colloque de l’Association de science régionale de langue française (ASRDLF 2023), 28-30 juin, Le Tampon, La Réunion (2023)
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Energy transition and media treatment. A key to understand transition projects inside OHM territories: comparison and game of scales

Jean-Baptiste Paranthoën, Nina Aubert, Aurélien Pertuzon
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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From the OHM to the world? Analyzing the politics of scaling in energy transitions processes through the OHM

Teva Meyer, Almudena Plichon, Audrey Sérandour, R. Chaubier
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Evaluation of scenarios for an energy, economic and social transition of the Fessenheim region

Florian Labaude, Nadège Blond, Thierry de Larochelambert
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Monitoring the biodiversity of large rivers with environmental DNA metabarcoding

Armando Espinosa Prieto, Laurent Hardion, Jean-Nicolas Beisel
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Environmental DNA: a plant diversity and environmental indicator for freshwater ecosystems

Armando Espinosa Prieto, Laurent Hardion, Jean-Nicolas Beisel
ED413 - Congrès des doctorants, 29 novembre, Strasbourg, France (2022)
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Impacts of public policy on the rebound effect of green heating services

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger
The 11th Congress of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (AAERE): A pathway towards Carbon Neutrality in Asia, session “Low carbon building, house, and home appliances”, August 19-20, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2022)
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De la production au bricolage scalaire : politique des échelles dans la transition énergétique à Fessenheim

Teva Meyer
Congrès du centenaire de l’Union Géographique Internationale (UGI), session « Pour une géographie des transitions territoriales ? Cadres conceptuels, méthodologiques, et approches critiques », 18-22 juillet, Paris, France (2022)
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Quand les territoires sont envoyés au charbon : vers la territorialisation d’un modèle de gouvernance imposé par l’État

Sascha Perroux
Congrès du centenaire de l’Union Géographique Internationale (UGI), session « Pour une géographie des transitions territoriales ? Cadres conceptuels, méthodologiques, et approches critiques », 18-22 juillet, Paris, France (2022)
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Chronique de l’implantation gazière en Amazonie péruvienne : un processus aux territorialisations multiples

Nina Montes de Oca
Congrès du centenaire de l’Union Géographique Internationale (UGI), session « Amazonie, société et aménagement du territoire », 18-22 juillet, Paris, France (2022)
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Le gaz naturel, un « levier » pour l’avènement d’un « nouveau Pérou » ? Les contradictions d’un modèle énergétique péruvien en devenir

Nina Montes de Oca
Congrès du centenaire de l’Union Géographique Internationale (UGI), session « Géopolitique des ressources naturelles à l’heure de la transition socio-écologique », 18-22 juillet, Paris, France (2022)
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Impacts of public policy on the rebound effect of green heating services

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger
Workshop “Sustainability, public action, and well-being”, July 18-19, Hanoi, Vietnam (2022)

Progress and implementation of ENERGON transversal project

Sylvie Daviet, Nina Montes de Oca
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 20-22, Nantes, France (2022)

HYDECO – Connections, disconnections and reconnections in socio-hydrosystems: does (in)visibility make the difference?

Anne-Lise Boyer
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 20-22, Nantes, France (2022)

Pluri-secular trajectory of the Upper Rhine fluvial hydrosystem through an interdisciplinary study of floodplain fine sediments

Cassandra Euzen, François Chabaux, Clément Artigue, Thierry Perrone, Frédérique Eyrolle, Gilles Rixhon, Frank Preusser, Dominique Badariotti, Laurent Schmitt
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 20-22, Nantes, France (2022)
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Progress towards an international comparison of river sediment pollution: Key factors influencing metal concentrations along seven Western European Rivers (1945-2020)

André-Marie Dendievel, Cécile Grosbois, Sophie Ayrault, Olivier Evrard, Alexandra Coynel, Maxime Debret, Thomas Gardes, Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, François Chabaux, Thierry Winiarski, Marcel Van der Perk, Brice Mourier
European Geoscience Union 2022 (EGU22), May 23-27, Vienna, Austria (2022)
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Floodplain sediments to study the trajectory of an anthropized hydrosytem. Case of the Upper Rhine

Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, Gilles Rixhon, Thierry Perrone, Frank Preusser, Frédérique Eyrolle, Dominique Badariotti, François Chabaux
Quaternaire13 (Q13), March 14-18, Strasbourg, France (2022)

Nucléaire, Cannabis, OGM… ces risques qui font débat dans l’opinion publique. Et si c’était une question de valeurs ?

Ianis Chassang, Odile Rohmer, Bruno Chauvin
61ème Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie, 8-10 décembre, Tours, France (2021)

Vision and first actions of the SO-DRIIHM open science project

Emilie Lerigoleur, Ghita Amal, Fanny Arnaud, Pascal Dayre, Armelle Decaulne, Priscilla Duboz, Samuel Dunesme, Arnaud Jean-Charles, Iwan Le Berre, Mathieu Massaviol, Kristell Michel, Bertrand Morandi, Corinne Pardo, Jean-Claude Raynal, Grzegorz Skupinski, Marie-Laure Trémélo
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, September 6-8, Toulouse, France (2021)
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Combining geochemistry with geochronology and hydromorphology to unravel massive human impacts in the Upper Rhine over the two last centuries

Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, Valentin Chardon, Gilles Rixhon, Thierry Perrone, Frank Preusser, Dominique Badariotti, François Chabaux
Goldschmidt, July 4-9, virtual (2021)
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Sediment dynamics and composition to characterize the two last centuries trajectory of human impact in the upper Rhine

Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, Valentin Chardon, Gilles Rixhon, Thierry Perrone, Frank Preusser, Dominique Badariotti, François Chabaux
ContaSed2021, June 9-11-12, University of Bern, Switzerland (2021)
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Designing robust DNA barcode libraries for metabarcoding of freshwater plants by integrating herbarium collections and contemporary floristic inventories

Armando Espinosa Prieto, Laurent Hardion, Jean-Nicolas Beisel
1st DNAqua International Conference, March 9-11, virtual (2021)
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Posters (17)

Towards a techno-economic and life-cycle assessment simulation tool for H2 / Natural gas CHP-based systems to help local energy policies

Paul Robineau, Maria Boltoeva, Nicolas Arbor and Gaetana Quaranta
Brightcon 2024, September 23-27, Hamburg, Germany (2024)
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From midpoint to endpoint level radiological impacts on human health in prospective LCA: leveraging open source solutions to investigate the Fessenheim NPP decommissioning

Paul Robineau, Maria Boltoeva, Nicolas Arbor and Gaetana Quaranta
Brightcon 2024, September 23-27, Hamburg, Germany (2024)
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Diagnostic cartographique des représentations d’un territoire nucléaire après la fermeture d’une centrale. Le cas de Fessenheim (France)

Valentine Erné-Heintz, Eric Maire, Clémentine Marty, Lucie Taillard
Second international conference on “Action versus Inaction facing Climate Change” (AICC), an interdisciplinary approach, June 17-18, Strasbourg, France (2024)
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Cartographic diagnosis of the representations of a nuclear territory after the closure of a power plant. The case of Fessenheim (France)

Valentine Erné-Heintz, Eric Maire, Clémentine Marty, Lucie Taillard
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Montpellier, France (2024)
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Rebound effects in the era of energy transition

Nhat-Anh Nguyen, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger
The 12th Congress of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (AAERE), August 29-30, Tokyo, Japan (2023)
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Les Observatoires Hommes-Milieux et le LabEx DRIIHM

Corinne Pardo, Anne-Lise Boyer, Dominique Badariotti, Carole Barthélémy, Jean-Philippe Bedell, Najat Birhy, Eduardo Ferreira da Silva, Damien Davy, Armelle Decaulne, Priscilla Duboz, Larry Fisher, Didier Galop, Fabien Hein, Pascal-Jean Lopez, Patrick Monfort, Yves Noack, Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, François-Michel Le Tourneau, Alejandro Salazar-Burrows
Journées scientifiques du PEPR OneWater - Eau Bien Commun, 10-12 juillet, Lyon, France (2023)
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Pour une approche participative de la transition post-nucléaire : méthodologie

Valentine Erné-Heintz, Eric Maire, Clémentine Marty, Lucie Taillard
Séminaire de Recherche UHA "Durabilité : transitions, risques, territoires", 6 juillet, Mulhouse, France (2023)
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For a participative approach to a post-nuclear transition: methodology

Valentine Erné-Heintz, Eric Maire, Clémentine Marty, Lucie Taillard
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Life Cycle assessment of very low-level radioactive waste from decommissioning of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant: Case of the very low-level radioactive waste logistics and hypothetical recycling

Ahmed Sahel, Zineb Guendouz, Michal Kozderka, Gaetana Quaranta
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Life Cycle assessment of very low-level radioactive waste from decommissioning of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant: Case of the very low-level radioactive waste treatment

Zineb Guendouz, Ahmed Sahel, Michal Kozderka, Gaetana Quaranta
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Fluvial sediment composition to reconstruct the trajectory of artificialized fluvial hydrosystems, case of the Upper Rhine (Rhinau island)

Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, Gilles Rixhon, Frank Preusser, Frédérique Eyrolle, Thierry Perrone, Dominique Badariotti, François Chabaux
International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 5-7, Strasbourg, France (2023)
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Exploring the multi-faceted potential of luminescence profiling via the portable reader in various fluvial depositional systems (NE France)

Gilles Rixhon, C. Begorre, Cassandra Euzen, C. Fuchs, T. Jautzy, J. Laible, Laurent Schmitt
10th international conference on geomorphology (ICG), Sept 12-16, Coimbra, Portugal (2022)
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Prospective life cycle assessment of the decommissioning of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant

Mehdi Iguider, Marc Allemann, Haldan Koffi, Maria Boltoeva, Michal Kozderka, Gaetana Quaranta
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, June 20-22, Nantes, France (2022)
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Geomorphology, geochemistry and geochronology to characterize the trajectory of an anthropized hydrosystem from the 19th century to today. Case of the Upper Rhine.

Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, Valentin Chardon, Gilles Rixhon, Thierry Perrone, Frank Preusser, Dominique Badariotti, François Chabaux
Mid-European Geomorphology Meeting 2021 (MGM2021), November 6-10, Munich, Germany (2021)

Geomorphology and geochemistry to assess human impacts on the Upper Rhine over the last centuries

Cassandra Euzen, Laurent Schmitt, Gilles Rixhon, Thierry Perrone, Frank Preusser, Dominique Badariotti, François Chabaux
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, September 6-8, Toulouse, France (2021)
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Study of the fate of chemical elements in the Rhine ecosystem: upstream and downstream of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant (NPP)

Axelle Genty, Maria Boltoeva, Gaetana Quaranta
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, September 6-8, Toulouse, France (2021)
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What is the place of Fessenheim nuclear power plant in the global industrial emissions in the Grand Canal d’Alsace?

Caline Ly Keng, Frédérique Berrod, François Chabaux, Dominique Badariotti
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM, October 7-9, Lyon, France (2019)
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